

Eton End School is committed to its responsibilities for safeguarding and child protection and recognises the key role it plays in the wider safeguarding system for children. The safety and welfare of our pupils is paramount, and we work to create a safe environment and one where the culture enables them to feel valued and listened to, and where they know that their wishes and feelings are respected. We have a ‘it could happen here’ attitude and are equipped to ‘think the unthinkable’ – the children are at the heart of everything we do.

Please refer to Keeping Children Safe 2024 for the school’s safeguarding responsibilities:


Our Safeguarding Team (including EYFS)



  Zoe Logan Designated Safeguarding Lead [email protected]
  Sarah Bond Head

[email protected]

  Raheema Makhani Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

  Emma Galko Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

  Carrie Askew

Board Level Safeguarding and Health and Safety Governor

[email protected]
  Jo Smith Chair of Governors

[email protected]


Eton End has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues, together with recording and monitoring processes including safer recruitment procedures and staff conduct.

All staff, volunteers and governors are trained to a level appropriate to their safeguarding responsibilities and in line with statutory guidance; this includes PREVENT and online safety.

Eton End is committed to protecting our children from becoming susceptible to an extremist ideology and preventing radicalisation, following the PREVENT branch of CONTEST (Counter Terrorism Strategy).

CONTEST is divided into 4 categories:

Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists and supporting terrorism

Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks

Protect: to strengthen our protection against terrorist attack

Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack

Eton End supports CONTEST by:

  • Training staff to recognise radicalisation and extremism.
  • Referring vulnerable people via the usual safeguarding procedures.
  • Prohibiting extremist speakers and events.
  • Managing access to extremist material.
  • Promoting community cohesion.
  • Teaching a broad and balanced curriculum based on the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, including and promoting fundamental British values.

The Government’s updated definition of radicalisation is defined as 'the process of a person legitimising support for, or use of, terrorist violence.’

Eton End Prevent Officer                                                                Zoe Logan     

[email protected]

Deputy Eton End Prevent Officer:                                                  Sarah Bond

[email protected]

For more information please refer to:


Fundamental British Values:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Respect & Tolerance
  • Individual Liberty

For more information please refer to:

Eton End is part of Operation Encompass, a unique police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership enabling support for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. Operation Encompass will ensure that all incidents of Domestic Abuse are shared with schools, not just those where an offence can be identified. Through Operation Encompass a trained Key Adult / Deputy Key Adult in school will be notified of a domestic abuse incident that the police attended. The Key Adult is responsible for coordinating school-based support with the child(ren) and vulnerable adult(s) in the family and will also consult with Thames Valley Police and other external agencies as and when necessary.

Key Adults for Operation Encompass

Key Adult:                                                                 Zoe Logan     

[email protected]

Key Adult:                                                                  Sarah Bond

[email protected]


For more information, please refer to:          


Private Fostering

Private fostering is when children and young people under the age of 16 years, or under 18 if they are disabled, are cared for on a full-time basis by a person who is not their parent, who does not have parental responsibility or who is not a "close relative" for 28 days or more. Close relatives are defined as:

  • grandparents
  • siblings
  • uncles and aunts, or
  • stepparents (if married to the partner or in civil partnership).

Under the Private Fostering Arrangements (2005), the school is under a duty to inform the Children and Families Service about any private fostering arrangements they are made aware of.

For further information please refer to:


Looked After Children

A child who has been in the care of their local authority for more than 24 hours is known as a looked after child. Looked after children are also often referred to as children in care, a term which many children and young people prefer.

In general terms, looked after children are:

  • living with foster parents
  • living in a residential children's home or
  • living in residential settings like schools or secure units.

Key Adults for Looked After Children

Key Adult:                                                                                          Zoe Logan     

[email protected]

Key Adult:                                                                                          Sarah Bond

[email protected]

For further information please refer to:

If you have any serious concerns about your child, another pupil or a member of staff at Eton End, please do not hesitate in contacting the Designated Safeguarding Team who will be able to provide you with the best advice and help, using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.

During non-term time the Designated Safeguarding Team will continue to be on duty. Before each holiday, contact information regarding which DSL/DDSL will be on duty and their contact details will be held in the school Office and added to staff ‘out of hours’ notification on their email addresses.

Downloadable Policy & Procedure - Link to 2024-2025 policy when finalised.

External Support

External support is linked to the postcode of the pupil/family but in the main the school uses the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) services.

RBWM’S safeguarding partnership is led by representatives from the local authority, Police and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) working with other key agencies involved with children, young people, families and adults with care and support needs.

Single Point of Access (SPA) and RBWM Safeguarding Partnership

The Single Point of Access (SPA) (formerly known as MASH - Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) and Early Help Hub (EHH) is the single point of contact for all safeguarding and wellbeing concerns regarding children and young people in RBWM.

Contact SPA
Tel: 01628 683150 or ‘out of hours’ Emergency Duty Team 01344 786543

Email: [email protected]

Town Hall
St. Ives Road
Berkshire SL6 1RF

If you consider a child is in immediate danger, phone police emergency number on 999.

LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)

Every local authority has a statutory responsibility to have a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who is responsible for coordinating the response to concerns that an adult who works with children may have caused them or could cause them harm.

Tel: 07774 332675                                       Email: [email protected]