
School Fees

To view a full breakdown of our fees inclusive of VAT from January 2025, please click the link below:


Nursery Fees
Nursery Fees (Effective Spring Term 2025)

Woodpeckers (Ages 2-3) or Starlings (Ages 3-4)

Children may join our Nursery in the 'Woodpeckers' group during the academic term of their 3rd birthday 'Woodpeckers' must attend Nursery for a minimum of three sessions per week 'Starlings' must attend Nursery for a minimum of five sessions per week

  Mornings only Hours: 08:20 to 12:00 £420

per morning session, per term


5 morning sessions, per term

Afternoons only Hours: 12:30 to 15:30 £350

per morning session, per term


5 morning sessions, per term

Full days Hours: 08:20 to 15:30 £840

per full day, per term



5 full days, per term, including lunch
Nursery Lunches

Nursery lunches are prepared in-house by our professional caterers and are provided for all children staying for full day sessions under the supervision of our Nursery team. The cost is included in a full days Nursery fees. 

School Lunches

School Lunches are prepared in-house by our professional caterers and are provided for all pupils from Reception to Year 6; the cost is included in the school fees. The School does not permit packed lunches to be provided by parents for children to consume whilst they are on the School site.

Individual educational support

Individual educational support sessions are charged according to the provision required. 

Nursery Education Free Provision

The Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) provides Early Years Education Funding for three- and four-year-olds on behalf of the UK Central Government.  If your child is eligible for funding, it is a requirement of the RBWM that the attached ‘Parent Declaration Form’ is completed and signed.


Early Years Education Funding – 15 hours

Early Years Free Provision of up to fifteen hours per week is currently provided at Eton End School and is available for children aged three and over and ceases at the end of the school term in which they reach the age of five. 

The maximum ‘Free Provision’ is offered at the rate of five sessions of three-hours per week.  One full day is the equivalent to two sessions (AM and PM).  Parents have the flexibility to select either morning or afternoon period and any combination thereof.  From September 2024, Eton End will accept 2-year-olds in Nursery, and eligible parents can claim 15 hours of funding per week under the 2 Year Old Working Parent Entitlement.  Eligible parents of children aged 2 Years can start accessing this entitlement from the start of the term after the term in which their child turns 2.


Early Years Education Funding – 30 hours

From September 2024, Eton End will accept Early Years Free Provision of up to thirty hours per week for children aged three and over; this ceases at the end of the school term in which they reach the age of five.  This provision will extend to 2-year-olds from September 2025.

The maximum ‘Free Provision’ is offered at the rate of ten sessions of three hours per week.  One full day is the equivalent to two sessions (AM and PM).  Funding will be claimed and allocated based on the number of nursery sessions used, for example 3 mornings and 2 afternoons is equivalent to 5 sessions of funding and will attract the full 15 hours of funding; 4 mornings and 3 afternoons is equivalent to 7 sessions and will attract 21 hours of funding, etc.  As for the 15 hours;’ funding, parents have the flexibility to select either morning or afternoon periods and any combination thereof.


If you would like to receive a Leaflet from RBWM with detailed information, please contact the office on: admin@etonend.org and one will be sent to you.

Early Supervision

Early Supervision is available at times outside our standard School hours. ‘Early Eton Enders’ operates from 07:45 until commencement of normal schooling at 08:40.  

After School Clubs

After School Clubs and activities for are available throughout the year for those in Nursery to Year 6 and are very popular with the children. After school care offers a large range of clubs running from 1615 through 1800 (Nursery and Reception from 1530 through 1715 up to 1800) .

Full details of the clubs and activities offered are notified to parents each term and booked online. 

Pupil’s Accident Insurance

Pupil’s Accident Insurance is included without charge for all children at Eton End throughout the whole School. The Pupil’s Accident Insurance covers your child, or children, against accidental injury leading to a permanent disability in accordance with the rules of the scheme and the scale of benefits provided.

Younger Sibling Discounts

Younger Sibling Discounts of 5% from Nursery and School nett fees are available for second children attending concurrently with an older sibling.  An additional 5% discount is available off the nett fees for third children attending with two older siblings at Eton End School.  Any portion of fees subject to statutory or grant funding, bursaries, scholarships or any other concessions will not be eligible for Younger Sibling Discounts.

Childcare Vouchers

Childcare Vouchers may be presented for payment of fees for all children under five years of age.  The vouchers may also be used for pre-school and after-school care for older children in strict accordance with the prevailing rules of the scheme imposed by ‘Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs’.

Direct debits are processed via the ‘BACS’ service up to ten working days prior to the termly collection date on the fifth day of the first month of the relevant academic term.  Childcare vouchers credited after direct debits have been initiated will be held in the parents’ fee account against future liabilities. Excess voucher payments cannot be refunded unless the child is leaving the School.

Please note that the School cannot pre-empt receipt of childcare vouchers under any circumstances.

Registration Fee

A Registration Fee of £100.00 will be required at the time of initial registration of a child. This Registration Fee is non-refundable in any instance.


A deposit of £500 must accompany the Acceptance Agreement when accepting the Offer of a place.  This Acceptance Deposit may be refunded when the child leaves the roll of Eton End provided that all fees and disbursements are fully paid and the child has not been withdrawn prior to the end of the Nursery Skylarks academic year.

Notice of Withdrawal

Notice of Withdrawal of a child must be given in writing to the Headmistress offering a minimum of one full term’s notice in advance of the child’s leaving date, otherwise Fees in Lieu of Notice will be incurred as specified in the School’s Terms & Conditions.  

A written Notice of Withdrawal must be received prior to the commencement of the child’s proposed final School Term.