Entry to Eton End can be at any age, but our key intakes occur at either aged 2 years into our Nursery or at age 4 into the Reception year group. The earliest age we accept children is the term after they turn 2 years. For other year groups entry into Eton End is subject to place availability and assessment.
Upon initial enquiry, parents are sent a school prospectus together with relevant information, and an invitation to tour the school and meet the Head. After this visit and once the decision has been made for Eton End School, the registration should be completed at the earliest opportunity and returned with a non-refundable £100 registration fee.
The child’s name is then placed on our Admissions List (or Waiting List) and we will offer firm places, in chronological order of the date of registration subject to taster day feedback and transfer reports (including SEN assessments) from the child's current school. At this point we ask for an acceptance deposit of £500 which guarantees the place. This amount is refunded on the final account after your child has left the school.
We aim to give priority on our lists to younger siblings.
Children entering the Nursery and Reception are not required to undergo any formal assessment although they are invited to spend time at the school before joining. Children entering other year groups are invited to visit the school for a day, to spend time with their peer group and undergo age-appropriate assessment before a place can be formally offered.
When should we apply?
It is never too early to apply and never too late to enquire. We would be delighted to talk to you about availability of places at all times. We understand that making a decision regarding your child’s education is an important one, therefore, if we can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar, Damel Emms on 01753 541075 or by email: registrar@etonend.org